How to Download and Run AnyDesk

1 min. readlast update: 04.29.2024

AnyDesk is the preferred remote support client for Mango Voice

You will be redirected to this page where your download will begin.

Open your downloads folder and run the AnyDesk:


  • Press Windows Key + R
    • Type: Downloads
    •  Double click AnyDesk:
  • Give your technician Your Address:


  • Accept the remote connection request


  • Press Command + Spacebar
    • Type: Finder
    • Select the Downloads Folder
    • Double Click anydesk.dmg
    • Install and then drag the AnyDesk icon to the Applications folder.

  • Then follow steps found here for permissions:
  • Open AnyDesk and provide Your Address to your Technician.
  • Accept the remote connection



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