Interactive Webhook - Switchboard Object

1 min. readlast update: 04.26.2024

Use Cases

The Interactive webhooks allow real-time routing between Mango and your software 

How it works:
Mango will make a GET request to the URL defined. We will replace all {} variables with the actual data. You can use the parameters in the request to decide how to route the caller. This is done by sending back a response with the option you would like Mango to route the call to. This allows for real time routing of the callers.

Example Cases:
- Skills-based routing
- Route customers back to the agent that handled the initial call
- Customize call route for returning callers
- Route new accounts, existing accounts, and delinquent accounts to the correct departments.

Example Request:{CALLER_ID}&callerid_number={CALLER_NUMBER}&dialed_number={NUMBER_DIALED}&dial_number_name={DIAL_NUMBER_NAME}&call_uid={CALL_UID}&time={TIME_UTC} 

CALLER_ID - The caller id name of the person calling
CALLER_NUMBER - The number of the person calling
NUMBER_DIALED - The number that was dialed
CALL_UID - The unique id of the call that can be used to look up the call record at a later time
DIALED_NUMBER_NAME - The name in mango of the number being called
TIME_UTC - The time of the Call in UTC time zone

The option value in the response should correlate with options set on this object, you may also return an extension number.

Example Response
{"status": "success", "option": "1"}

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