External Caller ID

1 min. readlast update: 05.15.2024

The outbound caller ID is the number that will be displayed to the receiving party when an extension from your PBX makes an outgoing call.


If the Outbound Caller ID is different from the E911VERIFIED number for the PBX or extension when 911 is dialed, the Outbound Caller ID for that extension or PBX will be changed to the E911 VERIFIED number assigned. See E911

Setting Default System Outbound Caller ID Number

  • Log in to the Administration Portal.
  • Go to System Settings
  • Select the Default tab
  • Find the Default Caller ID field
  • Select any valid number that you have in the system.
  • Select Update System Settings.

Setting Per Line Outbound Caller ID

  • Log in to the Administration Portal.
  • Select the + next to Extensions
  • Select Lines
  • Select the desired line.
  • Under Outbound Caller ID, select any valid number that you have in the system.
  • Select Update Extension.
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