Call Center Agent Mode

1 min. readlast update: 08.21.2024

Why use this?

Enabling Call Center Agent Mode makes joining and leaving queues simple.

To Enable:

  1. Log into
  2. Click on Settings in the lower left-hand corner
  3. Click Call Center Agents
  4. Click Enable Call Center Agent Mode

Call Queue Options

  • Select Automatically Join Queue At Login if you never want to worry about forgetting to join the queue when you log into the Web App.
  • If Manually Join Queue is selected, you have to join the queue by clicking Out of Queue in the upper right-hand corner and selecting Join Queue. For more information about queue statuses, see Call Center Agent Statuses.


  • If I log out of the Web App, will I still be in the queue? Logging out will automatically remove you from the queue.
  • Does this work if I'm a part of mutliple queues? Yes. When you join or leave, your status is updated for every queue that you are a part of.
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